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tv   CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin  CNN  September 6, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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top of the hour here. you're watching cnn, i'm brooke baldwin. let's go to hillary clinton speaking specifically here about isis. >> -- the attack of 9/11. i was a senator from new york. i knew people who were killed. i worked with families and the few survivors. i worked to get the health care needed by our first respond rs and emergency workers who ran
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toward danger. i worked to make our country safer and to rebuild new york and the pentagon. but i always, always was determined to do anything i could to bring bin laden to justice. [ cheers and applause ] and thanks to the very patient painstaking work of the american intelligence community, finally when i was secretary of state, we were given the opportunity to evaluate the best evidence we had seen in a long time. and i was honored to be part of that small group in the situation room advising president obama as we went over the evidence over and over and over again, trying to decide was it credible enough, strong enough to take action. and if we did, what kind of action. would it be a missile strike?
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would it be a bombing? would it be an attack by special forces? and when it came time to go around the table, these were all extremely experienced, thoughtful experts. we all gave our opinions. i was one who said i thought it was worth the risk. >> you go girl! [ cheers and applause ] and i was in that small situation room on that day. you all know the story. some of you read the book. some of you have seen the movies. but there is one thing i want to tell you. because it demonstrates again what our values are as americ s americans. remember, donald trump has said
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he would order american troops to torture. he would order american troops to murder family members of terrorists. that's what he has said. heedless of the consequences that that would lead to in terms of putting americans all over the world at even greater risk. but here's what happened that night in pakistan. this is not an often told part of the story. so i want to tell you, particularly the young people here, particularly active duty and military veterans like mary. if you saw any of the re-enactment, you know that one of the helicopters clipped its tail as it was going in to the courtyard on the wall. it disabled that helicopter. now thankfully, every contingency had been thought through. so we were prepared for that. the military was prepared. they could get another helicopter there to take out the s.e.a.l.s who were going to have
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to blow up the disabled helicopter. after rushing in to the compound, taking out the two body guards, taking out bin lad laden's adult son, taking out bin laden, they knew they had to get out of there. at any time there could have been pakistani military wondering what's going on? something's happening. this was a military garrison town. so time was really precious. but here's what the s.e.a.l.s did. before they blew that helicopter up, they took out all the women and children. family members of terrorists, including the worst terrorist of all. they took them out of the compound, around the back to safety before they blew that helicopter up.
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that, donald trump, is what american honor looks like. [ cheers and applause ] i want to mention just three other threats. one threat here right at home. the epidemic of gun violence. we have got to have comprehensive background checks. close the gun show loophole. close the online loophole. and the ability of people on the terrorist watch list buying a gun in america. this agenda i've just briefly outlined is supported by a vast majority of americans and a vast majority of american gun owners. and it is time we all said in one voice -- hey, we can respect the second amendment, we can respect the right to own arms, but we don't want people who shouldn't have guns in the first place killing anybody else ever
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again. [ cheers and applause ] another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record. and the science is clear. it's real, it's wreaking havoc on communities across america. last week's hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause. and i send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by hermine. but this is not the last one that's going to hit florida. given what's happening in the climate. nobody knows that better than folks right here in tampa and in the broader region. sea levels have been rising here about an inch per decade since the 1950s. at the rate we are going, by 2030 -- which is no the that far
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away -- $70 billion of coastal property in this state will be flooding at high tide. and whenever our infrastructure is threatened, so, too, is our homeland security. the next president will have to work with communities like tampa's to prepare for future storms. when i'm in the oval office i'm going to work with local leaders to make smart investments in infrastructure to help protect regions from flooding and other effects of climate change. i'm going to continue to work on the international and national level to try to turn the clock back to stabilize and reduce emissions even more, to try to gain more time. but we're going to have to begin working immediately on mitigation and resilience and prevention as well. what about donald trump?
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well, he doesn't even believe in climate change. by the chinese. hoax, invented - and he says, "you can't get hurt with extreme weather." now this is the same guy who at one of his golf courses in some coastal place has demanded that a seawall be built to protect his golf course from rising tides. so it's all fine if it affects donald, but if it affects the rest of humanity, he couldn't care less. if it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, doesn't matter to him. when it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, donald trump is totally unfit. you have been listening to hillary clinton here. man, this is so on. as if you haven't been paying attention to this presidential election, first listening to
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donald trump in the town hall atmosphere, talking national security, pivoting between myriad issues, all of us are paying very close attention. and hillary clinton as well here in florida. let me bring in two choices. matt schlapp, former political director for george w. bush and mark preston, hilary rosen, a clinton supporter and democratic strategist. mark, to you first. so fascinating watching yesterday and labor day. now we are sort of over the holiday hump, full sprint to november 8th. talk to me just a little bit about the political atmosphere of these two rallies happening in key states at the very same time and the poll out today. >> no doubt, brooke. look, we are looking in the rear-view mirror of labor day. we have 6 60-odd days left unti the election.
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this is going to get very ugly. this is going to get very nasty and they are going to be talking really about a few key issues. the economy, as well as terrorism and foreign policy. as you noted just now we had these dueling rallies where they're discussing it. we'll see tim kaine talking about it in another state, potentially a battleground state of north carolina today. these are issues on the people's mind. for all of those viewers who haven't been clued in, they will now be clued in. imagine the entire nation will now be tuned in to the next 60 days of this presidential race. >> we'll listen to tim kaine next hour talking national security. matt, my question for you, as we have been listening to donald trump, we'll be listening for tim kaine. national security sort of the theme that's pervasive on this day after labor day. when you look at the polls, hillary clinton has an edge when it comes to foreign policy. donald trump has an edge when it comes to terrorism. what are you listening most for? what do you think would put a voter over the edge? >> i think the question of
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security is right on. i think it is our economic security and what we see that america somehow lost its leadership in the worldwide economy. i think it is this question of national security. do americans feel safe and secure in their communities and in their homes. i think the answer to both those questions is answered by the right track/wrong track question. where upwards to 66% or so of americans, which is a lot of democrats included, feel like this that igs is this nation is wrong track, we are not heading in the right direction. we've somehow lost itself. when so much of the american electorate believes that we are on the wrong track, i believe it really benefits the outsider. that benefits donald trump. >> benefits donald trump talking to congressman rogers a second ago. also you look at the atmosphere surrounded by veterans being asked questions by a close friend, advisor, retired army general mike flynn. hilary rosen, we will certainly be listening for tim kaine sort
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of slamming donald trump, just looking at an excerpt. he's going to basically point out that donald trump over the years has been all over the place on iraq, on russia, on libya. give me a preview. >> well, he has been all over the place. the problem is though he doesn't admit it. so then people really don't know what he's thinking, like he's doing all week on immigration, back and forth, back and forth. he's done that on the iraq war. he's done that on syria. he's done that on troops in afghanistan. he's done that on isis. and so i think what you're going to hear tim kaine say is which is the real donald trump? does he have a real foreign policy? and importantly, that hillary clinton does have one. i'm not really sure what world matt's living in, but the united states global economic position is actually quite strong. the dollar is high against the euro, it is high against the yen. the global economy is really
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depending on the united states right now in so many ways. and so what we have to do is make our domestic economy stronger. hillary clinton is talking about that. in the last hour i heard donald trump just basically complain. i heard hillary clinton offer solutions on climate change, on jobs, be on security. so i think that this next 60 days are going to be really important, but i think what's going to be important is can donald trump do more than complain and will people give hillary clinton's policy a.
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>> the dollar is strong against other countries. >> which is not good for us! >> where we need help is in the domestic economy. so that is important and you can say it is not good for us but it is your candidate who thinks that trade is irrelevant to the global economy. >> that's not true. that's not true. >> we have to have a stronger domestic economy. we have to have a stronger global economy. so i don't see any scenario where donald trump has offered
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actual policy. what you see is a lot of complaining. that's not what the american people want to hear, complaining. >> i think what the american people see is i don't think they are as partisan as you or i are. i think they simply want to have a job that they can believe in and know their wages will increase over time and they have the money to pay for what they need to get done for their kids and their lives. i think it is kind of heartless to act like, no, everything's fine. the fact is the american economy is weak and the american electorate in poll after poll says that. it is the number one issue. after seven and half years of obama policies, you had your shot. it didn't work for people. voters are willing to try so much change that they're willing to take a bet on someone who's never been involved in politics before. that must make hillary feel really bad the fact that she's been in for so long and this outsider is leading her in the cnn poll. >> hang on. i heard donald trump say he's winning. let's be precise.
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they're basically neck and neck within the margin of error which is significant and it is something that trump has been talking about. >> it's huge! >> mark preston, i don't want to feel like i'm ignoring you. quickly on immigration, because we've heard so many different iterations of thoughts on immigration from trump. surrogates are saying it's been crystal clear. do you think he is being intentionally murky? is that a smart strategy here playing to both sides? >> i don't necessarily think it is intentional but it is certainly confusing when he says one thing one day and says something the next day. then of course his campaign and his surrogates say he's been very clear about it. he hasn't been very clear about it. what i would say sta his newest position, his latest position, theyed that he would not -- he would be open to the idea of allowing some of these undocumented workers to stay here in the united states is going to be more accepting to a broad part of the republican base as well as independent
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voters certainly in key states that he needs to win. politically that would be a better position at this point in the campaign to take. >> mark and matt and hillary, thank you. we just wanted to get to this. a short time ago hillary clinton on that plane of hers now slamming trump during this rare q&a with reporters, with the traveling press here. hear exactly what hillary clinton said. we'll talk to kirstin powers. who's with me? i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. i'm in. ♪ ♪ one, two, - wait, wait. wait - where's tina? doing the hand thing? yep! we are all in for our customers. ally. do it right.
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hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one.
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welcome back. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. at this very moment, here he is, tim kaine behind the podium there in wilmington, north carolina, getting ready to go and talk national security, specifically this was preplanned. also happens to be the very same day as we heard donald trump taking questions on national security. we know tim kaine will take donald trump on. we also know hillary clinton has taken donald trump on today and trump taking hillary clinton on. see a theme here? this is hillary clinton specifically speaking to reporters who now travel with her on her new campaign plane. >> he said that the american people don't care about his tax
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returns. and in fact he's also said that it's none of our business. i just think he's dead wrong. i mean the reason that presidential candidates going back decades have released their tax returns is because the american people want to know. he clearly has something to hide. we don't know exactly what it is, but we're getting better guesses about what it probably is. and if he is going to pursue this campaign, he owes it to the american people to come clean and release those tax returns. the fbi resolved all of this. their report answered all the questions. the findings included debunking his latest conspiracy theories. i believe i have created so many jobs in the sort of conspiracy theory machine factory. let's talk about all of this with cnn political analyst
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kiersten powers. nice to see hillary clinton talking to some reporters here. >> yes. >> listen, here she is, two days in a row. before we get to some of the specifics here, how do you see this gaggle today. >> is this hillary clinton's attempt to sort of flip the narrative? >> yeah. but it also makes you wonder why she wasn't doing this sooner. she looks great. she is engaging and she's changing the conversation to something that she wants to talk about rather than letting the media sort of direct the narrative. so she nts with a to tawants to fact that donald trump's foundation gave money to an attorney general who may or may not have made a decision in his favor. that's something that she wants to push into the media bloodstream and there is no better way to do it than this. >> and the tax returns saying essentially he is just this reality tv star. >> yeah. >> i imagine this is also foreshadowing to some debate
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zingers. >> yeah. i think the idea that his tax returns may be hiding things. she's correct that most americans do want to see the tax returns and most polls people -- majority, large majority of people will say that they want to see a candidate's tax returns so she is absolutely right about that. >> she also said toward the end the fbi report revealed, answered all the questions on her use of that private e-mail server when she was secretary of state. but do you feel that way? are old questions answered? >> i think for me all the questions are answered but i'm not sure that all the questions are answered for the average person in the public. if you look at the cnn poll, for example, how badly she fares in terms of trust numbers against donald trump where typically in polls you will see them both having pretty bad trust numbers somewhat close to each other. sometimes she's a little more than her, sometimes --
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>> but is it valid, questions about judgment? >> i think what has happened is this poll was taken during a time again when there was a bad news cycle for her in terms of her judgment and in terms of whether or not people feel she's being totally straightforward about whether it is the e-mail server or whether it is about the foundation because there was a lot in the news about the foundation. i think between those two issues those are the things that are really dragging down her trust numbers. >> i think the vice president is aware of that. he stopped for a chat with my colleague, jeff zeleny. tim kaine standing right there. you almost kind of want to watch his face as you listen to it the response from the vice president talking about what hillary clinton needs to do to get voters to trust her. here they were. >> i know her heart and i've known her a long time. my advice, presumptuous me to give anybody advice, just open up her heart a little bit more. i remember conversations with hillary about health care, talking to me, joe, do you know
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how many people are going to bed tonight staring at the ceiling wondering if their wife has breast cancer, they'll lose their house. i said say that. just like you covered with barack. barack doesn't do that but he feels it. it is just important people understand that more about her. >> jeff was telling me he prefaced that with, i know i get in trouble sometimes with some of the things i say, then here he was telling his friend, telling the woman who wants to be president of the united states to open her heart. what do you make of that, kirsten? >> i think he's right that is something that people probably would appreciate if they could see her the way her friends see her and the way her family sees her. >> but that's not openly and publicly because that is a weakness. >> i done think that's what her trust numbers are about though. i am not sure if people knew her heart that two necessarily change things.
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i think fepeople feel in a specific instance of having a server and the way she talked about the e-mails and some of the things she said that weren't completely accurate, i think that is what's affecting her trust numbers. then the other problem is, i don't think hillary clinton would be comfortable doing that. i think she's been under attack in the public eye for a very, very long time and she's through that process learn to be very -- a very private person. i don't think she would be comfortable bearing her heart publicly. >> quite as much as joe biden has done. >> yes. >> kirsten powers, thank you so much. one surprising nugget from these new cnn polls, the independent voters out there. let me show you this number here. trump has a massive lead over the choice for president, basically 20-point advantage over hillary clinton among that bloc of voters. a bit of context here. romney beat obama among independents by five points. one person eager for those independents, evan mcmullen,
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former cia officer, former part of the house republican conference. by the way, he's running for z president as an independent candidate. good to see you. you were sort of like the never trumper before there was the #nevertrump. what do you make specifically of those numbers? how well trump is doing with this independent voting bloc? >> well, i think what's really important is that both hillary clinton and donald trump are two of the most unpopular and distrusted candidates that we've had from the two major parties in modern history. >> does that worry you, evan? >> that they are? absolutely, it does. like it worries most americans. we need better leadership in this country. as i've been saying for the last few weeks, it is time, i believe, for a new generation of leadership that puts the interest of the american people first. >> on the independents specifically, why do you think they like trump? >> i don't think they necessarily like trump. i think people are caught in
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this space where they are trying to choose the best are -- or the lesser of two evils. i think we've got to remove ourselves from that mindset. i think we've been in that mindset for a long, long time. not just in this election. but as a result we keep getting leaders that don't put this country first. i think both donald trump and hillary clinton are two people who thing of themselves before they think of americans. we keep getting these leaders who are just unif it for leadership of this country. if given a better option with which is what i'm trying to do, i believe independent voters and many others will choose otherwise. >> well, donald trump says obviously he thinks he would be the best option. he keeps talking about immigration specifically. when it comes to the 11 million or so undocumented immigrants in this country, you blink and it is something new. they have to leave, let's make sure the border is safe, then maybe one day legal status. my question to you is, i keep
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remer repeating myself, but there is this murkiness over immigration and what to do. do you think that is a smart strategy? >> look, it is hard to pin him down on any particular issue whether it is national security or immigration or any other. he doesn't understand anything about policy really. the details of any of our challenges here in this country. he harps a lot on trade -- >> he's got some pretty smart people around him though. >> oh, i don't know about that. you saw him today being interviewed -- i put that in quotation marks -- by general flynn who's his advisor. that was ridiculous. donald trump can't even have a regular interview on national security now because he knows he can't actually answer any of the questions. sew sits there in front of a bunch of his supporters being questioned -- being given questions that he knew about in advance from an advisor of his. then he rambles and it basically sounds like you're listening to
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his stream of conscience. that's not what we need in a leader. we need a leader who. understands issues and who puts forward ideas to resolve challenges. >> you have these 88 retired military officials who have now in a letter that the trump campaign has spread out there today, they are endorsing mr. trump. of course there were the 50 from last month who don't like him. then you also wonder about the bigger players, the condi rices, the colin powells, the bob gates who have been mum. you are a former national security guy. how do you weigh all these mixed messages? >> well, i would just say this. we got to put this in context. our last republican nominee, governor romney, had a letter of 500 military leaders supporting him. they had even more than that but they cut it off at 500 just because the number got too unwieldy. look, plenty of national security advisors -- there was a letter of 500 and another letter of 100.
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and plenty of others have spoken out against trump. yes, he's got a list of 88 leaders in the military, but that's nothing compared to what a republican nominee should have from our national security establishment. donald trump has no credibility when it comes to national security and he demonstrated that once again today. >> evan mcmullen running for president, evan, good luck. thank you so much for coming on cnn today. i really appreciate the chat. coming up next, former nfl star joins me. we'll talk colin kaepernick and his protest against the national anthem. this is something folks are talking about and talking about the backlash against president obama for standing up in the last 24 hours and defending him. we'll talk to amani.
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welcome back. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. back to this story. so many of you are on this. 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick is still taking his stand -- or a knee, or a see, depending on your perspective -- vowing not to stand up for a national anthem for a flag in a country that he says oppresses people of color and does nothing to combat police brutality. zips speaking out, kaepernick has been berated by critics who accused him of being anti-military, anti-cop and just anti-american. but he has just as many supporters who applaud him for keeping the conversation on
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police reform alive. president obama also weighed in all the way from china on this. he was asked about this and he is defending kaepernick's right to protest. >> my understanding at least is that he's exercising his constitutional right to make a statement. i think there is a long history of sports figures doing so. but i don't doubt his sincerity based on what i've heard. i think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about. >> let me bring in super bowl xlii winner and former wide receiver for the new york giants, amani toomer. you support him. >> i do. i do. >> why? >> because all the draw-back that you could possibly have. a lot of guys -- i remember a player for -- played basketball in the nba. he did a similar stand --
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>> denver nuggets. >> it was a religious thing. it ended up shattering his career. i think that for a guy who has a contract that's not very -- that's not very secure for him to do this, i have to stand up and applaud him because i don't think i would have done it because of the fact that there is so much drawback on athletes nowadays. >> i'll come back to that note in a minute. but i want to just show every e everyone -- the most recent time when he took a knee, he wore these pig socks. pig socks in reference obviously to police and critics were saying that really took it too far. do you think that did? >> i just think the pig socks are a little childish. that was in practice. i think he's been wearing these pig socks for a while but ever since he's made his stance public, i think that's where most people are starting to notice all the things he's been doing. you follow him on twitter, this is how he's been -- >> that's somewhat rick riley was saying.
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especially in the last year. when you were playing and there were stories that were making national news -- you told me during the break you played during the michael jordan era where you just didn't say something. >> yeah. there wasn't much political stuff that went on in the locker room. i just remember after 9/11 everybody wanted us stuff supporting the police, supporting the workers who were in 9/11 down in the world trade center. i didn't have a problem with that because i thought they were doing the right thing. but this is an issue that colin kaepernick brought up that needs to be brought to the public. the fa tct that there is this discrepancy in treatment by the police towards people of color. >> want to read something benjamin watson who was with the saints, now with ravens, may be watching right now. he pointed this out to me because he disagrees respectfully. blew his achilles so he said if he could stand, he would. he wrote this -- i stand to those who are forced to give their lives building the country
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that confined them to the tobacco fields and indigo plantations. i stand because as a child i saw my father stand, a man who lived in a tumultuous time when angry people who held signs at his new school viciously screamed "n-word" go home. i stand because this mixed bag of good and evil is my own. he hopes me pay more attention to the problem and not the protester. >> i definitely agree with that. if nobody stood -- i mean if everybody just went along lock-step with things that were going on in society when his father -- when ben watson's father had all those signs said about him, then it would have stayed the same. i think the fact that their conversation has started because of colin kaepernick, i applaud him for that because i know and understand the risk that athletes, by standing up, and plus being a quarterback, all the endorsement deals that he
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could possibly get. he's saying, look, i'm doing the right thing regardless of if it is going to come back on me. i think that that's something that i would definitely get behind because i know the fact that there is a lot of money that he's probably going to lose from this. >> you have been there, you have played. i am sure there was pressure then, and especially even now with everything. amani, thank you. good to see you. coming up next here, breaking vipments in the drama over at fox news. the network is apologizing. they are giving a former host $20 million over sexual harassment claims. my guest explains why she wanted gretchen carlson to turn the settlement down, fight the fight. next.
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breaking news in the sexual misconduct case against comedian bill cosby. we have just learned his trial date has been set for next june. cosby is charged with three
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counts of felony aggravated indecent assault from a 2004 case involving andrea constand. a former colleague at his alma mater, temple university. she says cosby gave her a mix of pills and wine at her philadelphia area home and it left her incapacitated and unable to consent to sex. the now-79-year-old cosby has pleaded not guilty to all charges. the opening chapter in what has become a series of harassment claims plaguing fox news has just reached a stunning conclusion. 21st century fox now paying $20 million in a settlement with former fox anchor gretchen carlson. and we're just learning roger ailes will not be paying any portion of that settlement. carlson sued the former network chief back in july accusing ailes of sexual harassment and retaliation. fox issued this apology. "we sincerely regret and apologize for the fact that gretchen was not treated with
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the respect that she and all our colleagues deserve." joining me now, media columnist for "the washington post," margaret sullivan. ma margaret sullivan, you wanted her not to settle. how do you feel about the news today? $20 million. settled. >> brooke, thanks for having me on. think that it makes a lot of sense from gretchen carlson's point of view. perfect sense that she would settle and take this money and i don't blame her in any way for that. but i thought it would have been use ifle for imwith and for our culture if this information had been aired more fully as it would have been in a trial. i'm a little bit sorry to see that. >> when you say "this information," you're referring to testimony, any recordings, that kind of thing. >> witnesses, recordings, gretchen carlson was said to have tape recorded with her cell phone a lot of conversations she had with ailes. i think that would have been instructive. i think that all the discovery
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was something that would have really brought a lot of the disinfectant of sunlight in this situation that's been in the dark for so long. >> i'm just curious, margaret, because you have been writing about this, just how this has been affecting conversations around the country in the wake of what gretchen stood up and did as far as women in the workplace and, quite frankly, not putting up with it. >> i think it's made a bag difference already. i give her a lot of credit for being brave enough to file suit. she had no reason to think or no way of knowing that so many other women would quickly come forward or that fox, 20th century fox, would do an internal investigation and that roger ailes would be gone from his post in two weeks after she filed suit. i mean it really has made a huge difference. >> what about the fact that the $20 million isn't coming from roger, it is coming from fox? >> that's very notable. he walked out with said to have been $40 million, the rest of
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his contract being paid out. if he hasn't paid anything here, of course it affects his reputation and his position. but he hasn't had to really pay financially apparently. >> greta van susteren, margaret, has announced she is leaving the network. she has been there 14 years. she said, i am quoting her here, "the network has not felt like home for years." what do you make of that? >> well, greta was quick to defend roger ailes after gretchen carlson's suit. her contract had come up. i think there's a combination of things here. i also saw just now a tweet that said that -- suggested that she might go to hln, the cable offshoot. so she apparently has some other options going. think that fox no longer really wals the place f
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was the place for her to be, whether it was on her side or more on their side, not entirely clear. >> don't know about the hln news. i realize that's our sister station here. but best of luck to her. bottom line. margaret sullivan with the "washington post," thank you so much for covering this. an important conversation we should shall having. next here on cnn, the children, really now young adults here, who were 15 years ago left behind after the deadliest terror attack on american soil. i have the honor and privilege of sitting down with ten young people who lost a parent on september 11th, 2001. this is the first part of our three-part series airing this week. we talk about that day, that tuesday. how they consider ground zero their parents' graves and the last time one girl heard her father's voice as he called in to the local news from the top of one of the towers. >> i want to tell anybody that has a family member that may be in the building that the situation is under control for the moment and the danger has
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not increased. so, please, all family members, take it easy. >> how often do you go back and listen to his voice? >> i like to listen to it a lot because it is the last thing that i have of him i was so young when i lost him and that's the last thing i remember of him. of them, would? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one. [ that's a good thing, eligible for medicare? but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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national security is a major theme on the campaign trail, and it marks 15 years after two planes slammed into the world trade towers. and now lie two deep memorial pools that serve as a reminder of the nearly 3,000 lives lost. names of the victims etched in stone on the fountain rims. i was able to hold a long conversation with a group of young adults. they are part of the youth and families impacted by terrorism. here is the first part of our discussion. i know you all lost parents on 9/11, how many of you lost a dad? all of you.
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how many of you were so young you don't have a real memory of your dad? and how many of you will never forget? we're looking at these fountains and where the towers once were, what does it feel like here? >> it feels good, like we rebuilt and we're getting through it. >> how many of you looked for your dad's names? all of you. >> most people have a grave, but for us, this is our parent's grave, it brings us closer and makes us feel more connected to that parent. >> do you agree it feels like a grave? >> a lot of our parents bodies were not found after 9/11. that could be where our father's bodies lay to this day, and
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that's our -- it is a memorial and our grave and we can go there and communicate with the people we lost. that is our safe spot with them? >> is that what you do? >> yes, i talk to him, i put my hand on his name and talk to him. >> juliet, you were four. your dad was a fire fighter in queens. >> i was with my grandfather that day. my other siblings were in school. he had the news on. and another fireman who was retired from my dad's house called my mother at work and said "was my dad working" and she said yes, sir, so they picked up my other siblings and me, and my grandfather just had
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a gut feeling and in front of all of us said, in front of us, i lost my son today. and my mom was furious at him that he had already had no hope. he already had that feeling that he was gone. but i, at the time, wasn't comprehending what that meant. it took a few months to realize he was nom cot coming home. >> do you remember the images of the screen? >> yes, vividly, the smoke, the planes, it's very traumatizing for a child to see later. to comprehend what that meant at the time. i don't think any child as the mind capacity to comprehend such a mass atrocity.
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>> nor should they. jessica, tell me about the waiting that day. i was starting high school. my second day at a new school, and they announced a plane hit the trade center, and they had televisions in some of the rooms and they broadcasted it. i was surrounded by strangered and new people, and i had to tell them my dad was in there. and i also had the gut feeling. >> what did it feel like? >> i felt sick. i tried calling my mom and i couldn't reach her the line was busy. my aunt was with my mom already. they each heard bits and pieces
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of it, so it was just telling them that dad's building was hit, a plane went into the world trade center, and we don't know? >> when did you know? >> i heard it on the loud speaker and i knew. i had learned about the world trade center bombing. and asking questions like a 13 and 14-year-old should. i knew what it was, i knew what it took him to get down 100 flights of stairs in 1993 and it didn't look like he was getting down. >> you two, the brothers, your mom was pregnant with you the day of and she was, what, on the
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sub way? >> she was under the buildings when they were hit. >> she. >> i know i was in preschool that day. she tells us she went outside, and she was waiting for our dad, and she had a pillow from -- she works for an aviation insurance company, so she had a special pillow that filchered air when you went to a plane crash. so she was hiding around taxi cab. >> you never got to meet your dad? >> no. >> how tough is that for you? >> i will never really know, my
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big brother has stepped up to be like a father to me. my mom quit her job to be home with us and she has done everything. >>. >> your dad was in one of the towers, and he picked up the phone and called what? a local tv station? >> yes, he wanted to reach out to families in the area. >> stuck on the 85th floor, a fire door trapped us, debris fell around us, and part of the core of the building is blown out. >> how many people are with you? >> i'm on the 85th floor on the east side of the building. i want to tell anyone that has a family member that may be in the building the situation is under control for the moment, and the danger is not increased. please all family members take it easy. >> how often do you go back and listen to his voice.
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>> it is what i remember of his voice. >> when you listen to it, when what is his voice, what does his message mean for you? >> it is meaning offul for me. i like to know that he was thinking of other people. >> more from them tomorrow. i'm brook baldwin, "the lead" starts now. thank you, it is after labor day, put away the white. it is a nearly even race. a major shift in the campaign, and why you can never, ever, count out donald trump. trump is crisscrossing the